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For Ikat fabrics, there is a big museum-cum-shop in the Rantepao market. Todi Shop is easy to miss, since it looks like just another small stall in the market, but go up the stairs at the back and you’ll find a large room with demonstration looms and fabrics on display from all over Sulawesi.

Asia for visitors /

Sells high-quality ikat, wood carvings and Torajan crafts. Prices are quite high, but some bargaining is possible.but some bargaining is possible.

Lonely Planet /

Di Todi’ agan juga bisa melihat langsung proses pembuatan kain tenun khas Toraja. Disini juga dijual baju loh. Untuk kualitas Todi’ jangan ditanya deh langsung aja beli.

Arzhil / Kaskus Forum

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Making “Paruki” Toraja Woven Cloth

Woven cloth as one of the traditional products in Toraja is now being developed in [...]

A small textile that connects “Netherlands-Toraja-Japan”

–In memory of the late Bunga Yohanis– by Keiko Kusakabe, July 4, 2014 In 1999, [...]


Tie-dyeing, method of dyeing by hand in which coloured patterns are produced in the fabric [...]

Various Kinds of Sekomandi Motifs

Currently, there are around 15 (fifteen) original motifs of Sekomandi’ Weaving which are still being [...]

Toraja textiles for use in funeral rites

The best known, and the most visually striking, Sulawesi ikat textiles are those made by [...]


Cirebon Cargo of Yue Ceramics Vessels

IN FEBRUARY 2003, some 100 km off Cirebon on the north Java coast, local fishermen [...]

Sekomandi Ikat (Tie) Weaving

Sekomandi’ is one of the oldest ikat weaving motifs in Indonesia, a typical woven fabric [...]

Toraja Shining Fashion Show on the glass bridge of the Jesus statue

Pemda Tana Toraja akan menggelar kegiatan yang unik dan menarik di objek wisata Patung Tuhan [...]