Monthly Archives: December 2013

5 Unique Culture and Traditions of Tana Toraja

5 Unique Culture and Traditions of Tana Toraja

Every region in Indonesia has a variety of unique and interesting traditions. One of them exist in Tana Toraja. Tana Toraja, literally means land of Toraja, is a highland situated in the region of Southern Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is well known as the Land of Heavenly Kings. In Tana Toraja tourists are not only can […]

Cultural Commoditization in Tana Toraja, Indonesia

Cultural Commoditization in Tana Toraja, Indonesia

Author: Kathleen Adams M. In 1984 the Indonesian director general of tourism declared Tana Toraja Regency the touristic “prima donna of South Sulawesi.” In a little more than 15 years the Toraja people of upland Sulawesi had gone from anthropological obscurity to touristic celebrity. Known for their spectacular funeral rituals, effigy-filled burial cliffs, and elaborately […]